If you have suffered from Error 01 on your Canon 24-105 Lens, shown as a message on your camera as Unable to Communicate with Lens or similar then you may like to see what causes the error. This error is particular prone to occuring on the Canon 24-105 f4 EF lens.
These shots are of the internal iris mechanism that had failed on my Canon 24-105 f4 lens on my Canon 5D Mark 2 and was giving error 01 on multiple cameras.
The point of failure is the cord that attaches the iris mechanism to the lens body. With the constant motion of the lens barrel for zooming and focus it can fracture or fray and the communication error Canon Error 01 is generated with Canon lens 24-105 f4.
Canon Camera error 01 problem with 24-105 f4 lens |
It doesn't even need a complete break in the cord to generate error 01 in your Canon lens, sometimes it can occur at certain points in the zoom range when the cord is either stretched or compressed more which causes the fracture to widen and break the communication link.
Photos of 24/105 lens with Canon error 01 |
Canon 24-105 lens error 01 Canon 5D2 |