Thursday, 27 November 2008

Movember - The End Results

The BBC have run a report on Movember that you can view here
Movember - Sponsor Me
Visit to donate.

Preparing to cut the Mo!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Film Vs Digital - Which is Best?

The Gadget Show recently ran a test of film vs digital cameras for a studio image. Their first show did exactly the same test of film vs digital and back then film came out on top.

This time interestingly they judged the digital camera to produce the best image which was felt to be clearer with better colours and less grain (digital noise). Admittedly the test was based on images blown up to 5m across and in a studio setting but in theory a professional digital camera should perform even better in low light real life situations such as a church for a wedding. Low light shots with the latest full frame digital SLRs like the Canon 5D and 5D Mark2 give options that could only be dreamed of with film and with the flexibility to change settings between each shot if needed.

So is your photographer using digital - if not why not!!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Just So - The Musical

We have worked with Tag Productions to provide photography of their performance taking place at Brook Theatre Chatham from 13-15 November 2008. The musical is based on the stories by Rudyard Kipling and features a local cast bringing the quality of the West End to Kent.
You can book tickets here

The TAG Productions website is for more info about the company.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Suporting Mo-vember

are helping support the charity event Movember which is a moustache-a-thon for the whole of this month for charity event in aid of research into prostate cancer.
Known as "Mo Bros" the men clean shave on 31 October, then they are not allowed to touch a razor until the end of November, apart from to shave off their beards to shape their own moustache.
Jeff Hore who arranged the month-long event said: “Movember is a fun innovative way to raise money for prostate cancer. The “mo” can be any shape, colour or length as long as you’re clean shaven on 1 November and you let it grow for the duration of the month.“The number of hairy faces walking around offices across the country may increase over the next month, but it’s all for a good charity.
The money raised will go towards researching a cause for the disease and we hope to raise awareness for men’s health along the way.”Movember runs for the whole month each year and is an international project for individuals to help raise money for prostate cancer across the globe.
Throwing away the razors at the start of the month

Inspecting the mo's growing!